This study investigates the relationship of expectancy, instrumentality and valence factors with work motivation among university administrators. The focus of this study is assistant registrars work motivation. The study includes 212 assistant registrars in UiTM across all state of Malaysia as the respondents. An online survey and mail questionnaire were distributed to the respondents. The questionnaires consist of 26 items that were divided into several parts. A five point Likert scale was used to measure the level of agreement ranging from strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree to strongly agree. The Pearson’s Correlation indicates that expectancy, instrumentality and valence factors shows positive correlation with work motivation. The multiple regression analysis shows that expectancy, extrinsic valence and intrinsic valence were significant with work motivation whereas extrinsic and intrinsic instrumentality is not significant with work motivation. The Independent Samples T-Test results showed that there is no significant difference between job grade and gender with work motivation among assistant registrars. In summary, the results indicate that factor related to job itself (intrinsic valence) is more likely to motivate assistant registrars compared to the extrinsic valence (salary, bonus or monetary reward). In addition, expectancy on the outcome of the work performance can also increase the level of work motivation among assistant registrars.