Purpose: The aim of this research is to study factors that contribute to work
family conflict among nurses at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Design/methodology/approach: This research adopts a correlation study to
explore the factors that contribute to work-family conflict among nurses at
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Data were collected using a simple random
sampling that involved questionnaire distributed to 235 randomly nurses at
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur. The age
group of respondents involved in this study are between 20 to 49 years old.
Findings: This paper suggests that the work-family conflict among nurses at
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre is low. The finding is
consistent with the result of multi regressions (Table 4.5) statistic performed,
where the value of R2 is .119 indicates that the independent variables is
validated for 11.9% of the variation in this study meanwhile another 88.1% of
the variation cannot be explained by independent variables. It signifies that
the nurses were not facing any work-family related conflict. Conclusions: The
finding of this study discovered that role overload was a significant factor that
contributes to work-family conflict meanwhile social support and management
support were not significant in causing work-family related conflict among
nurses at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre.