The effectiveness of Credit Counselling and Debt Management Agency programme have become widely important for whole world today. Due to the increase in the bankruptcy cases around the globe especially in Malaysia, it have capture the attention of many governmental and non-governmental agencies. As Malaysia move towards becoming developed countries, the number of bankruptcy cases are also on rise and this scenario have become the threat to the economic development of the country. Bankruptcy cases in Malaysia happen due to the uncontrollable household lending activities. Although as much as the economic is concern, household lending activities can promote the economic development but at certain point, the household lending activities could become a problem to the economic development of the country. Therefore, this study aims to examine the factors that influence the effectiveness of the Credit Counselling and Debt Management Agency programme in Malaysia. The Theory of Reason Action (TRA) is adopted in this study. The theory provide the overall guidelines for this study to understand the public respond and see how public make a rational decision based on the available information that they have. Attitude can affect the judgement of an individual which later influence the intention of an individual. Thus from this theory it help the researcher to further explain why public are acting in certain ways. Promotional activities, programme content, public stigma and public attitude is the predictor (independent variables) to the effectiveness of the Credit Counselling and Debt Management Agency programme (dependent variables). Meanwhile the demographic (gender and age) factor is the moderating variable in this study. This study found that promotional activities play a very significant role in ensuring the effectiveness of Credit Counselling and Debt Management Agency programme. In addition,
none of the moderating variables moderate the relationship between independent variables and dependent variable.