The philosophy of New Public Management has been implemented in Malaysia since the 1980‟s onwards. Since then, various management practices were implemented such as quality control circle and total quality management in the late 1980s. The objective of TQM is to create a culture where quality and productivity improvements are seen as a way of life. Statistics received from Public Complaint Bureau (PCB) found that poor counter and telephone services falls on the 2nd place second major contributors of public complaints in Malaysia after the category of Late Action. The number of complaints increased from 14.6% in 2012 to 17% in 2013. Complaints on counter service of public sector have becoming a common thing in Malaysia. Nevertheless, not much attention has been given to the application of service quality in the public sector. This study explores the level of frontline employees‟ service quality in University Malaya which represents as one the public sector organization. As the FLEs serve as the first part of the organization that the customer will meet, it is very important to ensure that they are the right person to be at the counter in order to serve better to enhance the service quality provided to the customer. 205 questionnaires were distributed through personally administered questionnaire and a total of 181 usable responses were obtained. The results obtained found that the level of Frontline employees‟ service quality is good, but the tangible dimension was found to have low mean which is 2.853. The leadership‟s commitment was found to be lacking in enhancing the service quality of FLEs. Employees‟ training and person-job-fit are found to have a positive relationship with the level of frontline employees‟ service quality, but there is no significant effect moderating variable which is gender. Due to the fact that the number of FLE is limited in UM, most of the FLE at the faculty or academic department who serve as a clerk have to do the frontline job on rotation basis. Thus, the study does not provide strong evidence on the service quality of frontline employees in UM.