Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) plays important role to the public. Organizations should emphasize more on CSR activities not only focusing to achieve higher profit for the organization. In addition, they must concern on other ethical elements such as for workplace, community and environment in ensuring the sustainability of the organization whilst strengthen the intangible value of the company such as improve corporate image, customer’s purchasing intention, attracting potential employees and increase loyalty and commitment from customers. This study aims to (i) examine the level of awareness of the public on British American Tobacco (BAT) CSR activities from demographic perspective; (ii) determine relationship between community activities and impact of CSR on BAT; (iii) determine relationship between environment activities and impact of CSR on BAT; (iv) determine relationship between workplace activities and impact of CSR on BAT; (v) determine relationship between marketplace activities and impact of CSR on BAT. The scope of this study will cover public in Shah Alam, Selangor. This study employs a cross sectional survey to investigate the impact of CSR activities to BAT from public perspectives. This study used several statistic techniques such as the descriptive statistics, correlations and regression. There are significant relationship between community and workplace activities and the impact of CSR activities, negative relationship between marketplace and the impact of CSR activities and no relationship between environment activities and the impact of CSR.