The development of Malaysian private higher learning institutions since 1980 can be described like springing up mushrooms after the rains. The development of private higher learning institution seems to help Malaysia to become educational hub in the Asia region. Malaysian private university, likewise play an important role as Malaysian public university does in which to deliver the quality of education to the students. Today, the enrollment in private university had increased from 36% to 53%. In line with Malaysia's inspirations, it is also a crucial to have greatest commitment among academic staff in SEGi university to enhance their teaching quality. Questionnaires were employed to access 175 lecturers in SEGi university. 12 faculties involved had been clustered into three disciples, Science and Technology, Social Science and Foundations. The respondents had been selected according to criteria especially on their age range (Generation X and Generation Y). Quantitative analyses were carried out using SPSS statistical measures. The study found that personality traits influences organizational commitment. it also found that, Generation X is more committed than Generation Y. Furthermore, Generation (age) moderates the relationship of personality traits and organizational commitment. A committed lecturer is greatest asset fro university. It is essentials to conduct a research for university's management to understand the generational identification, personality traits, organizational commitment among the employees in managing organizational goals and performances.