Services and human capital cannot be separated which mean need each other to ensure the service still on and the human capital conduct and drive the services. Integration of human capital will inspire innovative, strategic and proactive actions to make changes and achieve total organizational excellence especially in term of giving services to the citizen. It needs the investment of human capital management to ensure quality of service delivery. This study concerned on excelling quality of service delivery through by human capital management at local governments especially at MBJB and MPJBT. This study examines the relationship between leadership, workforce competency and organizational capacity and quality of service delivery at MBJB and MPJBT and how gender and age as moderator variables will affect relationship between human capital management and quality of service delivery. The purposive sampling technique was used for this study. 200 respondents were answered the questionnaires and returned where by the respondents are the end user which is customers where comes from working people surrounding MBJB and MPJBT area and had experienced in MBJB and MPJBT services which have knowledge on human capital management. Mostly, the respondents come from the executive level. The findings show that the human capital management which is leadership and workforce competency has significant relationship towards quality of service delivery meanwhile organizational capacity no significant relationship with quality of service delivery. Age and gender also played as factor that will change the relationship between human capital management and quality of service delivery. Due to this, it shows that human capital management is the vital and essential tool to ensure there always have quality of service delivery at MBJB and MPJBT. As conclusion, MBJB and MPJBT must well manage their human capital to avoid any wasted that will bring bad quality of service delivery and finally give unsatisfied towards their customers.