Most of the companies in Malaysia are having their own corporate communication policy. Corporate communication policy usually describes the communication channel used by the company to disseminate the information which includes their strategy to engage with the shareholders. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, company is yet to face the problem in attracting or promoting shareholders to make an engagement with the company. Thus this research is aim to study the method of communication channel that promotes shareholders engagement with the company. Researcher has highlighted four (4) methods of communication based on literature review that may influence shareholders engagement with the company and these methods are, oral, written, face-toface and online communication. As accordance with the literature reviewed constructed, a conceptual framework has been structured to illustrate the relationship between variables. A set of questionnaire was distributed among 200 individual shareholders who had invested for more than one year in the Public Listed Company (PLCs) in Malaysia and experienced in attending the company annual general meeting (AGM). Besides that, this study had employed likert-scale questions to measure on both independent and dependent variables. Moreover, the data obtained was tested and analyzed of its goodness through series of test by using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22.0. Analyses was carried out and proved that, there is an engagement made by shareholders with the company. Other than that, most of the communication methods having a weak relationship and some of them appeared not give impact with the engagement made by shareholders with the company. Furthermore, it was discovered that online communication is most effective communication channel that promotes engagement of shareholders with the company. Hence, researcher believes that the findings and recommendation can contribute to improve past and future research in the same field.