Nowadays the idea had changed from only focus on financial reporting to also include non financial reporting in the company report. As most of the companies believe social reporting such as CSR reporting are important for a company in getting better prospect. Malaysian prime minister said that companies have to include the Corporate Social Responsibility in their business agenda and embedded it into the vision and mission of their company. Hence, it is important to identify the degree of Corporate Social Responsibility in Malaysia as it can improve the stakeholder relationship.
This paper seeks to make comparisons on the corporate social responsibility reporting of publicly listed company under construction, plantation and properties industries with service and trading industries in Malaysia. Based on the analysis of all companies, the study found that there is different in terms of format and types of reporting for each group of industries, medium, quality and quantity of reporting, different motive in disclosing information and Bursa Malaysia framework is the primary guidelines use by public listed company in Malaysia in reporting corporate social responsibility activities.