This study focuses on
the factors influencing the participation of shareholders at the AGM of the
Public Listed Companies (PLCs) in Malaysia. There are five variables involved
in this study which are Shareholders AGM’s Participation (Dependent Variable),
Agenda Items of AGM (Independent Variables 1), Ownership Structure (Independent
Variables 2), Company’s Past Performance (Independent Variables 3), and Share
Price Volatility (Independent Variables 4). In order to collect the data from the respective
respondents, the sampling technique that has been used was purposive and random
sampling technique. In this study, the researcher had distributed 390 set of questionnaires
through hand and also email towards the target respondent, however only 230
were returned. Besides that, there is a high level of participation among the
shareholders at the AGM of Public Listed Companies (PLCs) in Malaysia, where
the value of mean for the shareholders AGM’s participation (DV) was 3.7870. As
overall, all the factors that involved in this study which are Agenda Items of AGM (Independent Variables 1),
Ownership Structure (Independent Variables 2), Company’s Past Performance
(Independent Variables 3), and Share Price Volatility (Independent Variables 4)
have a positive relationship towards the Shareholders AGM’s Participation
(Dependent Variable). However, in this study it shows that the Agenda Items of AGM (IV1) turned
out to be the most factor that has strong influence on the participation of shareholders at the AGM
(B = 0.597; t-value = 8.693; p<0.01).