Bursa Malaysia has made it mandatory for every company to disclose corporate social responsibility (CSR) activity in annual report and encourage companies to prepare sustainability reporting. The focus of this study is on the stakeholder engagement process which include stakeholder identification; analyze and plan; strengthen engagement capacities; design the process; and act, review and report and level of sustainability reporting among publicly listed companies. This study aims to examine the level of sustainability reporting among Publicly Listed Companies in Malaysia. In addition, the study also investigates the relationship between each stakeholder engagement process and level of sustainability reporting.
The measurement tool used in collecting the data of this study is through a survey questionnaire. Stakeholder engagement process and level of sustainability reporting were measured using a five Likert scale. The questionnaires were distributed to 269 samples of respondents and only 159 responded to the questionnaires. The respondents mainly were investor relation officers and company secretaries of public listed companies in Malaysia.
There were three hypotheses developed in this study to answer the research questions and achieve the research objectives. The first hypothesis is there is a low level of sustainability reporting among Publicly Listed Companies in Malaysia. A second hypothesis developed is there is a relationship between stakeholder engagement processes which are stakeholder identification, analyze and plan, strengthen engagement capacities, design the process and engage, act, review and report and level of sustainability reporting. The third hypothesis is stakeholder identification stage is the most significant stakeholder engagement process that influences the level of sustainability reporting