This study was conducted to gain view on the issue of job satisfaction and staff loyalty at Intekma Resort & Convention Centre, Shah Alam Selangor. This study also elicited employee’s views on the different factors that contributing to their loyalty toward their current workplace. The main purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between salary, promotion, job design & job security and staff loyalty. The dependent variable is staff loyalty while independent variables are salary, promotion, job design and job security.
Quantitative approach was the major method used, with statistical techniques applied, including factor analysis and multiple regression. Questionnaires have been distributed to a total of 113 staff at Intekma Resort & Convention Centre, Shah Alam, Selangor through simple random sampling method. The respondent rate was 71.7 percent with 81 completed returned questionnaires. The findings of this study indicated that salary and job security were the most influencing factors and significantly affect staff’s loyalty, but promotion and job design has insignificant relationship.
The study provides a better understanding regarding the relationship between job satisfaction and staff loyalty in hotel and resort industry. The result of this research should provide useful information which can help the organization maximize their profits and improve the operation. Several recommendations and suggestions were provided for the improvement and also for future use to any researcher in this academic field. A bigger sample with more variable is recommended for future studies.