relation is important for state as through cooperation and integration with
other state could enhance the political,
economic and socio-culture of state. It impossible for ASEAN to ignore their
relation with other state. In today world, the rise of China as the superpower
after the United States has been felt by ASEAN especially in political
security, economic security and socio- culture. It was not easy for ASEAN to
engage with China in the first place. It took decades for ASEAN to engage with
the emerging China especially when the presence of china has been perceived
negatively as a “rogue dragon”. China with their fast growing economies has
change the international structure and now they become the part of largest
developing country. ASEAN unable to confront China as ASEAN has small power
compare to China. However ASEAN may accommodate their relation with china
through the viable way such as by using the ASEAN Way as it promote the use of
diplomacy instead of using force through the dialogue and forum such as Treaty
of Amity and Cooperation (TAC) which emphasized on non- interference principle,
sovereignty of state and no use of force. There were debatable issue and
aroused question of many scholar whether
China’s foreign policy become more cooperative with the influence of ASEAN or
it just China using ASEAN to dominate the ASEAN region. Thus this study was
conducted to examine the successfulness of ASEAN Way dealing with emerging
China especially in political, economy and socio- culture aspects