Malaysia are moving towards develop country by 2020. If Malaysia determine to achieve the vision, it is important for country to have sufficient number of labour force. Our government realizes, in order to achieve that we need ensure more women to join labour forces. Our policy maker come out with a lot of policies to facilitate women and supported them to join the market, by ensuring there are work life balances to encourage women employees to have a job. In response to the concerns by people that work can affected quality of family life and vice versa, thus concept of work life balance been introduced. The origins of research on work-life balance can be traced back to studies of women having multiple roles. Based on this study, there are relationship between family support, flexible working time and childcare facilities with work life balanced among Malay women in public sector Malaysia. In this study also would be highlighted on the most factor of work life balanced for women which is family support. This study perhaps can give contribution for policy maker to understand expectation of women employees in term of work life balanced