Perception of Putrajaya citizens on the level of reliability and responsiveness of Polis DiRaja Malaysia (PDRM) Putrajaya represents their collective opinions on the matter. The level of reliability and responsiveness defines part of service quality of Putrajaya Police. This study presents the perceived reliability and responsiveness of the Putrajaya Police from Putrajaya residents’ perspective via Mastrofski measurement model. The problem aroused when there was a gap on findings between government and scholars pertaining to public satisfaction with police service. The GTP annual reports stated that public were satisfied with police service and PDRM has managed to meet the target on perception index. This study deployed quantitative approach focused on Putrajaya citizens as the respondents. The sampling technique was convenience and data collected via questionnaire. The measurement consist of four independent variables (accessibility, competency, manners and fairness) and dependent variable of reliability and responsiveness of Putrajaya police. The perspective of reliability and responsiveness formed part of service quality. The research instruments were developed based on Mastrofski dimensions of police service. The findings of the study were that Putrajaya residents considered police reliability and responsiveness were at moderate level. They were not satisfied but they did not agree that Putrajaya police reliability and responsiveness were at a good level. It is essential to note that the findings of this study should be taken as suggestive but not necessarily generalizable to the entire police force. The findings were specifically from Putrajaya context of study. The study concluded that Putrajaya citizens perceived the level of reliability and responsiveness of Putrajaya police as moderate. All the four objectives have been met. The Mastrofski measurement model is proposed as fit to measure police service performance from various aspects and definitely can be further applied.