Agriculture sector has grown handsomely since the ruling of Tun Abdul Razak in generating our national income. Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing activities in Malaysian fisheries waters, however, have caused a terrific loss to the nation’s income generation especially due to the direct threat of IUU fishing towards our local fishermen who suffered from their loss of income. In addition to that, IUU fishing has imposed threat to the human security of people on the ground that affects directly our economic security at national level. This research study therefore aims to explore the securitization of Malaysian fisheries waters by Malaysian government who particularly is representing by the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) that was given a mandate to regulate maritime laws and activities at sea. Apart from that, this research study also seeks to determine the effectiveness of securitization efforts to control the threat of IUU fishing. This interpretivism study will be conducted by using deductive content analysis whereby the researcher seeks to analyse various documents to understand the truth behind this constructed event given that the researcher will interpret and describe it based on the coding process. Some of significant findings from this research study that can be found will be that of crucial part of the MMEA Act that was governing by the Agency as well as the monitoring, controlling and surveillance (MCS) system in Malaysia including the National Fisheries Licensing Policy (NFLP). At the end of this study, the researcher however found that most crucial part of securitizing Malaysian fisheries waters apart from the regulations is cooperation between the Agency and various parties at all level in controlling the IUU fishing.