Risk management has become an important and integral part of the company’s internal control and governance in order to achieve its plans and objectives. It refers to the techniques and processes used by organizations to manage risks to the achievement of the objectives. This study is to determine the level of risk management in Malaysian construction industry in Public Listed Companies (PLCs). Besides that, it is to examine the relationship of the critical success factors (commitment and support, communication; and trust) with the risk management and the most influential factors for risk management. The findings in this research reflect the objective. Based on the finding, there was moderate level of risk management in Malaysian construction industry in Public Listed Companies (PLCs) in addition commitment and support was the most influential elements for enhancing risk management. This study was conducted among the managers in Malaysian Construction Industry in Public Listed Companies (PLCs). In this study there was limitation on respondent because the sample size was small. For the future research, it is recommended to expand the scope of study to other industries like finance, properties, plantation, and consumer industry in Malaysia in order to get different perspective on risk management.