This study is regarding the quality of work life among staff in the Prime Minister Department who are working in Putrajaya where the office is located at JPM Complex, Putrajaya. This study was involving 271 respondents in total. The quality of work life is crucial for an employer to achieve the mission and objective of the organization. In order to serve the public or rakyat better, government servant must juggle from work and home that will reduce stress and contribute to the happy life of the employees and also can increase the KPI to achieve for the organization. There are many studies regarding the quality of work life conducted inside or outside Malaysia. In this study, there are four objectives was setting, first it is to examine the level of quality of work life among Prime Minister Department staff working in Putrajaya. Second it is to determine the relationship between work and non-work factors with the quality of work life among staff in the Prime Minister Department. Third it is to investigate the main factor that affected the quality of work life among the Prime Minister Department staff. The last objective is to determine whether gender will influence the relationship between work and non-work factors with quality of the work life among the Prime Minister Department staff. The findings for this study show that for the first objective there is moderate quality of work life among staff of the Prime Minister Department. This finding was revealed by running the correlation and looking at the mean score for each variable. For the Research Objective Two, linear multiple regression was run and the findings show only 69.5% fit the whole model used in this study and is also significant. Based on the coefficients, it was revealed that only job involvement has no significant influence on the quality of work life. For the Research Objective Three there it was found that family involvement is the main factor that influences the quality of work life among staff in the Prime Minister Department. For the last research objective, it was found that gender does not moderate the relationship between quality of work life with work factors (job involvement, work role conflict, work flexibility and family involvement). However, gender has a moderating effect on the relationship between quality of work life and spouse/partner support. As a conclusion, the quality of work life is important for all employees in every organization in order to increase job satisfaction and reduce stress.