The study investigated the relationship between organizational factors and the performance of employees at the Johor Police Contingent Headquarters. The objectives of the study were: to examine the relationship between organizational culture and employee performance at Johor Police Contingent Headquarters; to determine the relationship between organizational communication and employee performance at Johor Police Contingent Headquarters; to find out the relationship between organizational commitment and performance of employees at Johor Police Contingent Headquarters; and to determine the level of employee performance at Johor Police Contingent Headquarters . A descriptive survey research design was adopted using quantitative method. The study sample was 85 respondents, indicating a response rate of 80 per cent. Stratified sampling was used to select the lower level police officers rank from sergeant to constable of police in Criminal Investigation Department (CID) at Johor Police Contingent Headquarters. Data analysis involved frequencies, percentages and inferential statistics such as correlations and the coefficient of determination. Findings revealed a positive relationship (r=0.721, sig=0.01) between organizational culture and employee performance; a significant positive relationship (r=0.660, sig=0.01) between organizational communication and employee performance; and significant positive relationship (r=0.781, sig=0.667) between organizational commitment and employee performance. The level of employee performance was at low level (Mean=2.8235) because the level of organizational culture (Mean= 2.6471), level of organizational communication (Mean=2.4353) and level of organizational commitment (Mean=2.5294) are at the low level also. It was therefore concluded that organizational culture, organizational communication and organizational commitment positively affected the performance of lower level of police officers in Criminal Investigation Department at Johor Police Contingent Headquarters. The study recommends that the Criminal Investigation Department should build and improve on teamwork and develop and maintain the current culture; create opportunities for employees to interact with the supervisor of the department in order to improve on the communication; and encourage employee innovation, and appreciate the employee’s loyalty.