The aim of this study is to determine whether the emotional intelligence influence the work attitude of Royal Malaysian Customs in Kuching, Sarawak. Using a quantitative approach, 4 Royal Malaysian Customs Departments were identified. From there, 234 questionnaires were administered to the respondents using cluster and random sampling. The returned responses were 100%. In this study, there are 234 respondents who works at Royal Malaysian Customs Department in Kuching, Sarawak. Few analyses has been conducted in order to meet research objectives and hypotheses like mean analysis and multiple regression. In determining the level of work attitude among the employees of Royal Malaysian Customs in Kuching, Sarawak, the result was the level of work attitude among the employees of Royal Malaysian Customs are considered good with total mean of 3.9947. The findings demonstrate that based on the multiple regression analysis, only relationship management has significant relationship with the work attitude, while self-awareness, self-management and social awareness are not significant. With reference to multiple regression analysis, it was found that relationship management is the most influencing factor that contribute to the work attitude of Royal Malaysian Customs employees, with beta value .788 and t value of 17.409 with significant at p=.000. In conclusion, since relationship management do influence work attitude of Royal Malaysian Customs employees, few action need to be taken by the organization by relating the element of relationship management in engaging the employees to further improve the work attitude.