In Malaysia, public healthcare services are among the most important services that are provided by the government. As the healthcare services are among the most expensive services, the government keeps on emphasizing in helping the people to get their healthcare services by developing public healthcare services. However, it can be seen that the public hospitals and polyclinics are crowded with patients. Because of that, 1 Malaysia Clinics are being introduced under the National Key Result Area (NKRAs) specifically to address the high cost of living. The NKRA which was developed by PEMANDU is said as an initiative to ensure excellent public service delivery. By developing 1 Malaysia Clinics, it is believed that the people can enjoy using the healthcare services without having to pay more. This will lighten the burden of the people, especially those with low income. However, there are issues regarding the acceptance towards the clinics. As the development of the clinics consumed a large amount of budget, it must be fully utilized in order to ensure full utilization of the public money. Due to that concern, this research will emphasize on the level of acceptance towards 1 Malaysia Clinics and some of the factors which contribute to the acceptance of the people towards the clinics. According to the literature review conducted, a conceptual framework has been constructed to illustrate the link between variables. A set of questionnaires were distributed to 384 individual respondents who have experience in using the 1 Malaysia Clinics located at UTC Pudu Raya and Kerinchi to represent the population for this study. This study utilized Likert-Scale questions to answer both independent and dependent variables. The data collected were tested on its goodness of data via a series of tests and being analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Analyses carried out revealed that, the people are accepting the existence of 1 Malaysia Clinics. Apart from that, the accessibility and cost for services are some of the significant factors which will affect the level of acceptance towards 1 Malaysia Clinics even though the effect is low. The findings also revealed that promotion is one of the variable that will influence the strength of the relationship between accessibility and cost for services with the level of acceptance towards 1 Malaysia Clinics. The researcher believes that the findings and recommendations can contribute in the research area.