Employee engagement had become hot topic among the employers around the world. The reason is that employee is one of the biggest contributions to the organization success. This study is to determine the level of employee Engagement in Malaysian manufacturing industry in Public Listed Companies (PLCs). Besides that, it is to examine the relationship of the organizational practices (communication, reward and recognition; and development) with the employee engagement and the most influential factors for employee engagement. The findings in this research reflect the objective. Based on the finding, there was moderate level of employee engagement in Malaysian manufacturing industry in Public Listed Companies (PLCs) in addition employee development was the most influential elements in employee engagement. This study was conducted among the employees in Malaysian Manufacturing Industry in Public Listed Companies (PLCs).This research aim to assist the employers to improve the level of employee engagement in the organization and at the same time is identify the main factor that affect the level of engagement. This research is based on the data obtained from survey questionnaire from the employees of PLCs’ in Selangor. This research able to find the main factor influences the employee engagement. It is hope that the study able to assist the organization to choose the effective way to enhance the employee engagement