This study is a correlation survey using questionnaire to investigate the relationship between Spiritual Intelligence and Effective Malaysia Maritime Enforcement Agency, Putrajaya. There were 50 respondents involved in this study which consist of Officers from Grade 48 to Top Management of Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency, Putrajaya. Each of the officers was given a set of self-administered questionnaire using Amram’s Integrated Spiritual Intelligence Scale (ISIS) to measure Spiritual Intelligence and Kouzes and Posner Leadership Practice Inventory (LPI) to measure Leadership Effectiveness. This paper has empirically proven that there is a relationship between Spiritual Intelligence with Effective Leadership, and it is an important factor that contributes to effective leadership. The empirical data shows that Spiritual Intelligence contributes significantly at 33.9% to effective leadership. However, this study reveals that there is no significant moderator effect in the relationship between Spiritual Intelligence and Effective Leadership. It is also suggested that the same research should be replicate to include all Maritime Enforcement Agency regions to get larger and more diverse demographic and populations. Furthermore, the same study could be replicated in other public agencies and other demographic profile such as religions and race can be included to see whether different religion background affect the level of Spiritual Intelligence.