Civil servants play a role in public service organization to deliver the service to the public. Government cannot deny the contribution of civil servants because in Malaysia there are 1.4 million civil servants those acts or represent the government policies to the public. Without civil servants, public service organizations cannot deliver the best service to the public. Thus, it is also essential for the government to provide incentives as motivating factors to the civil servants in order for them to work efficiently. Incentives also play important role to create and maintain positive perceptions of civil servants towards current government. Adequate motivation is essential for effective job performance because of its impact on public service image and may be their employee’s morale. Both morale and organization’s image is very important since these factors may affect the perception of the public in general in terms or delivery system. Therefore, this study intended to explore the most beneficial incentives announced during budget 2013 that related to civil servants, to identify the acceptance of civil servants on current government, to find out the effect of those government incentives on civil servants before 13th general election and perception civil servants before 13th general election. Survey by using questionnaires is the method for this study involving civil servants at klang valley area from different public service organization.