Nowadays online shopping has promptly growth and become recognized among consumer in
Malaysia. All of the businesses and services has switch to online seller and retailer to promote
their business. This is called as e-commerce as to business or services to consumer or business
to business. For this study the researcher proposed to use an integrated theoretical framework
of online shopping experience between genders by using on technology acceptance model
(TAM) in 92 Depot Kenderaan Pusat. There are three elements in Technology Acceptance
Model (TAM) which comprises of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and perceived
risk towards online shopping. In using TAM it may help for the problem solution of online
shopping in achieving a goal or perform for a specific function. It may be used in the other
field, for instance in economy sector, administrative sector, education sector and etc. A good
way that ICT uses of digital technology that is to help individuals, businesses and organizations
in the aspect of information. ICT also apply in any product that will retrieve, store, receive or
transmit information electronically in a digital form (Davis, 1989). In this study a set of 360
questionnaires were distributed to the employees who work in 92 Depot Kenderaan Pusat. Then
the questionnaires being collected by applying stratified random sampling. The findings
showed that all three elements in TAM model consist of perceived ease of use, perceived
usefulness as well as perceived risk on matter of relationship with gender as the moderator
towards shop online among employees in 92 Depot Kenderaan Pusat. As the result, perceived
usefulness contribute the most in actual use of online shopping. Whereas the gender had
moderate relationship with the actual usage of it. Hence, online shopping create better
environment for consumer to do shopping and may give satisfaction