This research paper conducts a study pertaining to indiscipline behavior among juvenile students. The factors and causes have been identified by the researcher such as parenting styles, peers influence and academic performance. Those factors have resulted to positive association to indiscipline behavior. Three different parenting styles will be evaluated through this study which is authoritative, authoritarian and permissive parenting styles. Each parenting styles has given different impacts towards children which eventually engage with indiscipline behavior. Through the multiple correlation analysis, this research paper concluded that peers influence has the highest relationship with indiscipline behavior compared to others variables. In addition locus of control has been examined as the mediator variable in this research paper. Locus of control can be divided into two types which is internal and external. The internal and external locus of control has define how an individual behavior and action. As internal can be described as an individual that is believed every decision and action taken because they want to do it and it is believed as the right thing to do. However for external locus of control, it can be understood as the person believes that every consequences of action are depending on luck, chance and powerful of others. Through the finding, the researcher has find out that locus of control has no mediator affect towards independent variables and dependent variables.