Labour trafficking is a complex global crime that exploits people. Malaysia has become
a popular destination country for labour trafficking lately due to some factors. Hence,
the study attempts to investigate the real scenario of labour trafficking in Malaysia.
Moreover, the purpose of this study is to provide an understanding on the pull factors
of labour trafficking in Malaysia. Then, the study analyzes the measures taken by the
government to curb the issue of labour trafficking. The pull factors include corruption
and economic opportunities as the pull factors that may contribute to the issue and the
measures taken by the government are discussed based on the 3P diagram which are the
prosecution, protection and prevention that has been reflected in the Protocol to Prevent,
Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children or known
as the Palermo Protocol to the United Nations Transnational Organized Crime
Convention (UNTOC). The study adopts a qualitative research method by using indepth
interview to describe and understand the real scenario of labour trafficking in
Malaysia. The target population includes government agencies that are involved in the
issue in order to get more accurate information. Therefore, four government agencies
are involved; Council for Anti-Trafficking in Persons and Anti-Smuggling of Migrants
(MAPO), The Immigration Department, Royal Malaysia Police and National Human
Rights Commission (SUHAKAM). The study identifies that some recommendations
should be made possible, in order to curb the issue of labour trafficking such as solving
the trafficking cases based on victim-centred approach, holistic labour migration as well
as enhancing institutional capacity, collaborations among government, industrial
players and non-governmental organization.