Transformational leadership styles are in demand nowadays in Malaysia. By having a leader who possesses the traits of transformational leadership could actually help to inspire the employees and hence it can increase the organizational commitment. Government Linked Companies (GLCs) in Malaysia are helping the government to achieve their goals in economic hence, it is important for leaders to have involvement with the employees. This study is regarding the effect of transformational leadership style on organizational commitment. Working environment is used as the moderating effect in order to identify whether it influence the transformational leadership styles on the organizational commitment. The components of the transformational leadership style are idealized influence, inspirational motivation, and intellectual stimulation and also individualized consideration. The respondents for this study are the employees from Government Linked Companies (GLCs) in Malaysia where 250 valid respondents out of 400 which has answered the question related with the transformational leadership styles and organizational commitment. The methods used for this study is quantitative methods and the result from this study has indicates that there are several component from transformational leadership styles have positive relationship towards the organizational commitment. The contribution of this study and suggestion are made for future research