The issue pertaining ethical decision making among managerial position in healthcare industry has been highlighted as very important issue that need to be focused on especially by private hospital. The public has the right to question whether ethics have much influence on the everyday decision making of healthcare managers. As their business oriented not only focusing on targeting monetary profit for the organization but they are aiming to provide high quality of medical services and uphold the well-being of the people, it is very important to identify influential factors that will lead to ethical decision making among managerial position in healthcare industry especially those who work at private hospital. This research study explores through various published papers, in examining the factors that influence ethical decision making among healthcare mangers. Personal values, social values, professional values and legal restriction were listed as determinants for achieving the objectives of this study where researcher will identify any significant relationship exist between all those four determinants with the ethical decision making among managers. The unit of analysis for this study is those who hold the managerial position in four different private hospitals located at Kuantan, Pahang. The finding shows that all of the four determinants can be classified as influential factors as the result showed significant relationship between all the four factors with ethical decision making among managers. The study also found that the most influential factors is legal restriction. It is hope that the study conducted will help the healthcare managers to enhance their ethical consideration while making decision.