Customer perspectives on CSR were always seen to be ignored by Companies when deciding the practices and activities to be conducted. Eventhough there are increasing number of study pertaining to CSR, it usually focus on the reporting issues and the concern of shareholders. In this study, the objective include 1) To identify the consumer’s satisfaction level in CSR 2) To examine the relationship between CSR practices (economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic) and customer satisfaction.3) To determine the main element of CSR practices that effect customer satisfaction and 4) To assess the role of gender as moderating variable in influencing the relationship of CSR practices and customer satisfaction. The findings have shown that the levels of customer satisfaction are high and above mean while also supporting the hypothesis of positive relationship between CSR Dimension and customer satisfaction. Whereas the Philanthropy dimension are seen to be the main element of CSR that influence customer satisfaction, gender are discovered to not have a moderating effect on the relationship between those elements. The findings helps corporate entities to have more information on customer expectation and thus make it easier for them to strategize on how to conduct their CSR responsibilities to be at par with stakeholder expectation of them.