Worldwide turbulent economic condition with increasing competitive market environment is becoming a growing concern particularly among SMEs which often sees as having lack of resources to maintain their business performance. Hence, there is an urgent need for IT innovation and adoption as one of the best methods to manage business which includes e-commerce. This study aims to identify the determinants towards the adoption of e-commerce adoption particularly among SMEs in Malaysia. Recently, e-commerce plays an important role in the growth of SMEs since it allows them to compete efficiently in both domestic and international markets. This can be seen from positive trend of e-commerce adoption as this study found out that the level of e-commerce adoption within SMEs in this country is high. Thorough analysis of the findings in this study revealed several factors namely as perceived relative advantage, top management support as well as external pressure and support are significantly influencing the adoption. Similar to prior studies, the result of this study is consistent with many of them which was also conducted in relatively similar field and area. Therefore, the generalization extracted from the findings of this study can be considered as appropriate and relevant especially within Malaysian SMEs context. It can be used as reference for many parties in view of the present competitive market environment which demands better method to manage business as compared to traditional means. Therefore, based on the result and findings discovered in this research, hopefully it can provide a lot of contributions to many parties in terms of development and improvement of not only for the organization involved, but also for the SMEs industry and economic in Malaysia as a whole.