Workplace bullying is quite common in organization and it is believes to be the factor that influence the environment of the company. In relation to the foreign workers, it is believed that they are being exploited by the employers in terms of the welfare, salary, safety and health. It has been mentioned that, the foreign workers did not have the right to voice out their issues as it could jeopardized their future therefore they prefer to follow instructions and rules even though, they have been working below their competencies. Even though, there are laws enacted on the issue and the condition of the workers are remains unknown. This research is to see the personality traits and the occurrence of workplace bullying towards the foreign workers in Cameron Highlands, Pahang. A total respondents of 132 foreign workers in Cameron Highlands has been collected. Measurement for the study are using the Big Five Questionnaire and Negative Acts Questionnaire-Revised (NAQ-r). From the results, it shows that the most frequent act of bullying occurred is working below one’s competence, followed by having unmanageable workload and being ignore/secluded. Based on the results, it indicates that, there are no significant relationship between extraversion to workplace bullying. As for the openness to experience, conscientiousness, agreeableness and neuroticism, there are significant relationship with workplace bullying. The most dominant traits influence the occurrence of workplace bullying is conscientiousness. The research hopes that this issue could be done on a different perspective, a larger sample size and most important to do it in a qualitative methodology to reduce restriction of opinions from respondents.