The era of globalization has made the labour market more challenging and a lot of demands needed by employers in recruiting employees. This situation leads to graduates chances of employability to increase after they have completed their study which then leads to the problem of unemployment. Globally, employability among graduates has reached a vulnerable point whereby, a series of serious measures and action has been taken into consideration effective immediately to reduce the rate of unemployment of this group of people. Universities are responsible in preparing the career for graduates especially the programme of industrial training. Process of learning would be more effective if students are being exposed to the real working environment. This study discusses about the issues of unemployment graduates and the effectiveness of industrial training programme introduced by Minister of Higher Learning (MOHE) using Kirkpatrick Model. Method used in this study is correlation study and study setting for this study is cross-sectional study. The sample size of this study is 155 students from 2 programme which are Bachelor of Administrative Science and Bachelor of Corporate Administration. Findings show that firstly, all level of effectiveness of industrial training are considerably high. Next finding is 2 level of Kirkpatrick Model which are Learning and Result that provides significant influenced towards the effectiveness of industrial training and attributes of Kirkpatrick Model which associated the most with the effectiveness of industrial training is Learning. Last finding is all placement of industrial training produce the same output towards the effectiveness of industrial training. As conclusion, students believe that Learning session during industrial training helps them to improve themselves and prepare them for future career once they embark to the real working environment. Recommendations for this study are future researcher may used multiple faculties as respondents instead of using one faculty and multiple universities as respondents. Besides, faculty may increase the duration of industrial training for the faculty of FSPPP.