Malaysia-Fiji strengthened their bilateral relationship by sending their diplomatic missions to each other states that has encouraged the cooperation in economic and security. The political instability faced by Fiji reflected the 2006 coup, Fiji’s memberships in few regional and international organisations are suspended and Fiji is threatened with trade sanctions resulted the established diplomatic relations with other non-traditional states as well with Malaysia through Look North Policy. Malaysia’s support has been seen as vital for the overall development of Fiji even before the coup, for instance via the initiatives under South-South and Triangular cooperation known as MTCP and MDCP since 1993. Later, the conditions in Fiji can be considered started to get calm again and many of the sanctions are lifted and Fiji able resumed its membership in the regional and international organisation and maintained the cooperation under Look North Policy. This also signifies that, Malaysia-Fiji relations still continue despite some political upheavals in Fiji by utilising several initiatives. Thus, this research will analyse the relations between Malaysia-Fiji in economic and security in the post coups period from the year 2014 until 2018.