Manufacturing is industry that rapidly growth everywhere in Malaysia. This study is aimed to examined the level of job stress among the manufacturing which focus on operational section. Lately, there are several issues that related to job stress that affected employees but the organisation negatively. The dependent variable is job stress while independent variables are workload, work environment, salary and relationship with superior. The study was used quantitative method and research location were involving factories in Shah Alam. There were 223 respondents participated in this study. It revealed that only workload have a significant relationship with job stress whereas other variables were insignificant. When employees experiencing stress, they showed several physical and psychological symptoms, including misconduct, absenteeism, late coming and other related issue. Thus, it is the role of organisation to recognised the influencing factors which create positive work atmosphere. This findings of study help to the organisation to find appropriate technique or method to help employees encounter their job stress and focusing on individuals’ quality life. The study only focusing on limited variables and within the context of manufacturing employees. In future research, various variables including the mediating and moderating factors, and with the involvement of psychological capital may identify other significant varibales as the contributing factor to job stress.