Drug abuse had been known as one of the social issues that is happening in Malaysia. Even
when various actions and initiative had been taken by the Malaysia’s Government, according
to the data received from MAMPU, the number of people that abuse drug constantly increase
year by year, especially those among youth. Thus, the aim of this paper is to identify the
social determinants that influence drug abuse among youth in Selangor. From the literature
review that had been analysed, it was found that most of the reasons why youth involved in
drug abuse were due to peer’s influence, family factor and neighbourhood influence. It was
found out that the number of youths in Selangor that involved in drug abuse is higher
compare to the other state in Malaysia. For this research study, the data was collected by
distributing questionnaires to youth whose age between 19 to 39 years old that currently
receiving treatment at the Serendah’s rehabilitation centre. The data were analyse using the
Statistical Package of Social Science (SPSS) to come out with the results of this study.
Therefore, based on the results obtained, several recommendations had been suggested and
a conclusion regarding the study had been drawn.