Similar to other countries, Malaysia also faced similar situation of social media addiction,
especially among children regardless toddlers or adolescents. This study aims at analysing the
connections between parenting practices such as parental involvement, parental monitoring, as
well as parental goals/values, and the prevention of children's social media addiction. This
study was conducted in the Kuala Lumpur city. The reason this study chooses this area is that
the capital city of Kuala Lumpur because the diversified town inclusive of Malays, Chinese,
Indian, and people from other states migrates to Kuala Lumpur. The process that is being used
for this analysis was accomplished through the quantitative approach. The questionnaires were
distributed 150 respondents in the selected areas. In order to fulfil the research objective and
hypothesis, several analyses were carried out using Pearson correlation to identify the
relationship between parental involvement, parental monitoring, as well as parental
goals/values, and the prevention of social media addiction among children, while multiple
regression was used to define the most significant predictor of parenting practices in the
prevention of social media addiction among children. From this study, it was found that there
are significant relationship between the prevention of social media addiction among children
and parental involvement (r= 0.404, p= 0.000), parental monitoring (r= 0.375, p= 0.000), as
well as parental goals/values (r = 0.375, p = 0.000) was accepted. In conclusion, the outcome
showed that the prevention of addiction to social media among children was influenced by
parenting practices.