The aim of this research is to examine the factors that influence the political participation
among UiTM Seremban students. The researchers has identified four independent
variables which are family background, educational background, social media
engagement and socioeconomic status and to determine whether the four independent
variables have relationship with political participation among students or not. The study
was conducted by means of questionnaires because it is quantitative in nature. A total of
347 respondents were obtained to answer questionnaire in the form of ‘Google Form’
provided by the researchers. In this study, the researchers used simple random sampling
that has equality of opportunity to be chosen. Next, in terms of finding analysis, the
researchers used reliability analysis, descriptive analysis and spearman correlation. Based
on the analysis, all independent variables were found to have positive relationship with
political participation among UiTM Seremban students. Current pandemic outbreak, the
limited respondent and lack of independent variable are shown as the limitation in this
study. The study indicates that the four independent variables that are family background,
educational background, social media engagement and socioeconomic status found to
have a significant impact on the political participation of UiTM Seremban students.