This study aimed at finding out the role of good governance practices in enhancing
service quality in Government-Linked Company (GLC) in Malaysia using Tenaga
National Berhad (TNB) and the case study done at TNB Integrated Learning Solution
(ILSAS). The main objective of this study was to assess the role of good governance
practices in enhancing service quality in GLC Malaysia. The methodology used to
conduct this study was quantitative research design where random sampling method
was employed to select respondents. Questionnaires were made use of to gather raw
data from the respondents. Then, SPSS being use to interpret the data. The study
found that good governance practices are adhered to at TNB. It was also revealed that
good governance contribute to quality service at TNB. The study recommended that,
to improve service delivery at TNB, the management of TNB should ensure that all
staff are aware of the principles of good governance and adhere to them in their day to
day activities. It was suggested, TNB, to pay attention to staff and human resources
development strategies with appropriate training packages to enhance knowledge of
good governance.