This research aims to explore the livelihood of urban B40 families in Putrajaya. Qualitative
research methods are designed in a manner that assist in revealing behavior and perception of a
target audience with reference to a particular topic. There are different types of qualitative
research methods such as in-depth interviews, focus groups, ethnographic research, content
analysis as well as, case study research. The results of qualitative methods are more descriptive
and the inferences can be drawn quite easily from the data obtained. This research utilises
NVIVO throughout the implementation of this study. NVivo is a product programme utilised
for subjective and blended techniques research. In particular, it is adopted for the examination
of unstructured content, sound, video, and picture information, including (however not restricted
to) interviews, center gatherings, reviews, online media, and diary articles. This research pertains
to the livelihood of urban b40 families in Putrajaya, ways as to how the urban B40 families cope
with their livelihood as well as address methids to mitigate poverty among the urban B40 families
in Putrajaya. Lastly, there are numerous outcomes identified based on this study in regard to the
livelihood among urban B40 families in Putrajaya. However, the results of this study are limited
to its findings and can be improved for further research. Researches opinionated that this research
can be further improved through the exploration of more options or widening the demographic
background of the respondents who participated in this study.