Job satisfaction is a topic of great interest in many professions including policing. Identifying the factors that lead to a successful and gratifying work experience for staff has many positive benefits for both the staff and organization. Most research in the area of policing and job satisfaction has focused on the front liner units. Little research has focused on job satisfaction for specialist unit's officers serving behind the scene such as Royal Malaysia Police (RMP) communication division technical and operational personnel. The purpose of this study was to determine the current level of job satisfaction among technical and operational personnel of RMP communication division in the Klang Valley. In addition, satisfaction level were compered between these two groups of personnel to see the difference on job satisfaction level. The research objectives were to identify the main variables that influence hjob satisfaction level and to ascertain the relationship between the work itself, advancement, working environment and salary with job satisfaction. The study focused on technical and operational personnel of RMP communication division in the Klang Valley and involved four police headquarters. Participants included 155 technical and operational personnel of RMP communication division in the Klang Valley. The statistical techniques used were descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, factor analysis and independent group t-test. The instrument utilized in this study is a set of questionnaires based on the adaptation of the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ),Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) and Soul Purpose Personnel Coaching Questionnaire 2007. The technical and operational personnel of RMP communication division in the Klang Valley were found to be satisfied with their jobs. This study revealed the main variables that influenced job satisfaction level were advancement and working environment. The findings reflected no difference in terms of level of job satisfaction between technical and operational personnel of RMP communication division in the Klang Valley. The study also revealed that there was no significant relationship between demographic characteristics and salary with job satisfaction.