Royal Malaysian Police Force or PDRM as it is known to the Malaysian public, currently boasts 90,000 police personnel from various ranks. This reflects the multitude of tasks at hand for the force to manage in modern day policing. The job description in the PDRM ranges from traditional basic duties of policing to serving people. This includes investigation performed by the Commercial Crime Investigation Department. In this study, the workload relation to job stress and work performance of investigation officers in the Royal Malaysian Police Commercial Crime Investigation Department of the Selangor Contingent (CCID) was examined. Random samples of 95 investigation officers (IO) were given questionnaires in order to achieve the objectives of this study. Findings of IOs' stress level and workload were measured and examined through questionnaires and collaborate with the performance through the date gained from the CCID crimes record unit. This eventually leads to the conclusion that the study couldn't get any significant relationship between the workload, job stress and work performance. Even though the respondents show relatively high in work load and low work performance but IO's were highly uncertain whether they were stresses with their job. As a result, several recommendations were suggested to PDRM in order to improve its image in providing security services to the public through quality investigations.