Solid waste management is increasingly becoming important to the government in its quest to protect the environment with the goal of achieving the Green City status and at the same time to help reduce the impact of global warming. Increasing growth of economic and population in Malaysia have brought a new challenge of the local governments in dealing with the issue of municipal solid waste disposal, particularly domestic household waste.The main objective of this study is to investigate the residents' attitude and behaviors towards recycling and the separation at source program in Precinct 10 Putrajaya. The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) was adapted as the conceptual framework in analyzing the residents' attitude and behavior. The model distinguishes the independent variables (IV) as the attitudes towards the behavior, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control. The TPB however allows for the incorporation of additional IV, provided that these variables make a significant contribution to the explanation of behavior provided by the model (Ajzen, 1991). Thus, this study adapts research by Tonglet (2004) that has incorporated the additional variables such as moral norms, situational factors and consequences of recycling. The research design uses the cross sectional study through self-administered questionnaire and also observations to determine residents' behavior towards waste separation at source project. Data analysis for the questionnaire was using SPSS and for the observation was using Geographical Information System (GIS). This study used GIS to capture and analyses data to solve problems on residents who are not participate in this waste separation at source and this GIS technology can be integrated into any enterprise information system framework. This GIS System can be integrated with on-board computers for monitoring of truck performance, monitor performance of collection of recycling item and to record participation of each resident on waste separation at source. The findings suggest that pro-recycling attitudes and perceived behavioral control is the major contributor towards recycling behavior. The findings of this study in future can contribute to the understanding of residents' attitude and behavior towards this recycling program, which can improve the quality of life in achieving Putrajaya as a Green City.