To date, Malaysia has undergone various environmental strategies including eco-label programme to address environmental problems and bringing in foreign direct investment into the country. However, there is need to address the question whether Malaysian consumer are ready for eco-label. Researcher has short listed six (6) key attributes based on literature review that may influence consumer readiness to purchase eco-label products and these factors are; Knowledge, Advertisement, Appearance, Trust, Reliability and Price. There are four (4) key research objectives constructed to measure consumer readiness to purchase eco-label products, identifying key attributes that contributed most towards consumer readiness to purchase eco-label products, and at the same time investigating the role of gender and the relationship between the key attributes of eco-label towards consumer readiness to purchase eco-label products. According to the literature review conducted, a conceptual framework has been constructed to illustrate the link between variables. A set of questionnaire was distributed to 330 individual respondents living in Kuantan, Pahang with 21 years of age and above to represents the population for this study. This study utilized Likert-scale questions to answer both independent and dependent variables. The data collected were tested of its goodness of data via series of tests and being analysed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 19.0. Analyses carried out revealed that, consumers are ready to purchase eco-label products, however they are key attributes that may influence their purchasing behavior. It was also found that Knowledge attribute being the most contributed in influencing consumer to purchase eco-label products. However, there was no significant different in role of gender between male and female in terms of their readiness to purchase eco-label products. Last but not least, it was discovered that all six (6) key attributes have explained consumer readiness to purchase eco-label products at 29% only, which is low. Researcher believes that the findings and recommendations can contribute in the research area.