The alarming fact shows that most of the private sector employees do not financially prepared in facing retirement life since their retirement amount is inadequate to provide a better living once they retired. at the same time, another worries aroused as they even had to deal with rising costs of living standard, depletion of Ringgit currency and inflation rate which raise the insecurity feeling towards retirement lives. This research aim to study the factors affecting retirement saving plan among private sector employees in Silverstone Berhad. It specifically studies on financial management behaviours, financial learning and goal clarity and genders factors and how this influences retirement saving, investment and social support. This research is based on the data gathered from a survey's questionnaire among the employees in Silverstone BErhad. The questionnaire is derived from the previous research done relating to this topic with only several questions is self-develop. The data was analysed toe valuate and determine the relationship between factor affecting an employee retirement saving plan. The result of the study found that there is no significant relationship between financial management behaviour and retirement saving as well as social support, and there is relationship towards investment. Financial learning and goal clarity shows positive relationship towards retirement saving, investment and social support. Meanwhile, gender roles was found does not have a significant relationship towards retirement saving, investment and social support. It was hoped that the study can contribute to the improvement in increasing the employees awareness towards the engagement in retirement saving plan in the Silverstone Berhad,