Gender and Leadership style are one of the topics that attract many researchers from the various field of study especially in psychology and management to explore it in deeper. This dissertation presents an overview of the study on gender differences in leadership style and how employees try to accept them through masculinity and femininity perspective. Four objective have been analyzed used a Korabiks and Ayman Gender and Leadership perspective. A set of questionnaire was distributed to 320 employees in Pahang’s Police Headquarter with the rank sub inspector and below to represents the population for this study. This study utilized 10 Likert-scale questions to answer independent and dependent variables as well as mediator variable. The data collected were tested of its goodness of data via series of tests and being analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 19.0. the result of this studies shows that most of the employees have average acceptance level on both masculinity and femininity style but it can be improve with many others way. Intrapsychic process, social structural and interpersonal interaction have become the variable to test how the employee react to the difference gender of bosses and social structural of the leader being the most contributed factor to increase the level acceptance of the employees to the difference gender of bosses. Last but not least, job satisfaction act as a mediating effect toward this study and it is proved that job satisfaction have an influence on leadership perspective and also the acceptance level of employees towards difference gender of bosses. Researcher believes that the findings and recommendations can contribute in the research area.