Academic Qualifications

PhD Human Resource Development
University of Nottingham
2012 - 2015

Masters Human Resource Development
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
2004 - 2005

Bachelor Degree Corporate Administration (Hons) Company Secretary
Universiti Teknologi MARA
1997 - 1999

Diploma Public Administration
Institut Teknologi MARA
1994 - 1997
Expertise and Teaching Area
Human Resource Development
Human Resource Management
Knowledge Management
Strategic Management
Change Management
Adult Learning
List of Publications
2. Puteh, Fadilah, Jeniwaty Mohd Jody, and Nor Azira Ayob (2009), "Peranan pendidikan berterusan dalam meningkatkan kompetensi di kalangan profesional organisasi. Satu kajian di: Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), Universiti Teknologi MARA.
3.Puteh, F. B., Radzuan, N. I. R. B. A., & Ghafar, N. S. S. B. A. (2011, March). New Retirement Policy And Impact Towards Public Sector Employee Retirement Preparations: Malaysian Perspective. In 2nd International Conference on Business and Economic Research (2nd ICBER 2011) Proceeding. Conference Master Resources.
4. F. B. Puteh, Sharifah Syahirah Syed Sheikh, Muhammad Nashroh bin Ishak and Muhammad Azim bin Anwar (2011), "Employers dependency on foreign workers in Malaysia food service industry: A preliminary study," Business, Engineering and Industrial Applications (ISBEIA), 2011 IEEE Symposium on, Langkawi, Malaysia, 2011, pp. 368-372. doi: 10.1109/ISBEIA.2011.6088839
5. F. Puteh, F. M. Nor and S. H. N. Zulkifli (2012), "Determinants of employment mobility trend among Malaysian young talents," Business, Engineering and Industrial Applications (ISBEIA), 2012 IEEE Symposium on, Bandung, 2012, pp.102-107.doi: 10.1109/ISBEIA.2012.6422835
6. F. Puteh, J. M. Jody, A. F. B. A. Hamid and N. I. S. B. A. Rahman (2012), "Gender Comparison Between Financial Independence And Retirement Readiness Among Malaysian Public Employees," Business, Engineering and Industrial Applications (ISBEIA), 2012 IEEE Symposium on, Bandung, Indonesia, 2012, pp. 308-313. doi: 10.1109/ISBEIA.2012.6422892
7. Fadilah Puteh, Maniam Kaliannan & Nafis Alam (2014), “Tacit Knowledge and Employee Competency in Malaysian Service-Based Industries: A Preliminary Study”, Proceeding of Knowledge Management International Conference (KMICE), Volume 1 and 2, pp. 51-57. ISBN: 978-983-2078-92-0, Web of Science.
8. Maniam Kaliannan, Fadilah Puteh, & Mageswary Dorasamy (2014), "Measuring Service Quality in Malaysian Local Government: the SERVQUAL Approach", Proceeding of Knowledge Management International Conference (KMICE), Volume 1 and 2, pp. 30-34. ISBN: 978-983-2078-92-0, Web of Science.
9. Fadilah Puteh, Maniam Kaliannan & Nafis Alam (2014), “Continued Professional Development Practices In Malaysian Service-Based Industry”, Social and Management Research Journal, Volume 11, No. 2, pp. 1-22. ISSN: 1675-7017
10. Puteh, F., Kaliannan, M., & Alam, N. (2015, February). Strategic Professional Development: Does it Conform to Adult Learning Perspective?. In ICMLG2015-The 3rd International Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance: ICMLG2015 (p. 316). Academic Conferences and Publishing Limited.
11. Fadilah Puteh, Maniam Kaliannan & Nafis Alam (2015), “Learning for Professional Development via Peers: A Systems Theory Approach”, Procedia - Social and Behavioural Sciences, Volume 172, pp. 88-95. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.01.340
12. Fadilah Puteh, Maniam Kaliannan & Nafis Alam (2015), “Informal Learning In Continued Professional Development Context: A Missing Link”, Journal of Administrative Science, Vol 12, Issue 1, pp. 17-34. ISSN: 1675-1302
13. Fadilah Puteh, Maniam Kaliannan & Nafis Alam (2015), “Accessing Gen Y Impact on Organisational Performance: An Analysis from Top Management Perspective”, Journal of Administrative Science, Vol 12, Issue 1, pp. 47-59. ISSN: 1675-1302
14. Fadilah Puteh, Maniam Kaliannan & Nafis Alam (2015), “Does Informal Learning Promotes Professional Competency? Evidence from Malaysian Service-Based Industry”, Advanced Science Letters, Vol. 21, No. 5, pp.1444-1447. EISSN: 1936-7317
15. Fadilah Puteh, Maniam Kaliannan & Nafis Alam (2016), “Employee Core Competencies and Organisational Excellence: An Interpretative Analysis”, Australian Journal of Business and Economic Studies, Volume 2, No. 1, pp-45-55.ISSN: 2204-7743
16. Fadilah Puteh & Maniam Kaliannan (2016), “Enhancing Continued Professional Development Strategically: An Outlook via Adult Learning Theory”, Journal of Administrative Science, Vol.13 (1), pp.1-14. ISSN: 1675-1302
17. Khalizani Khalid, Sam E. Eldakak & Fadilah Puteh (2016), “The Effect of Self-Efficacy, OJT and Classroom Training on Training Effectiveness in the Malaysian Construction Industry”, Advanced Science Letters, in printing18. Fadilah Puteh (2016), “Continued Professional Development and Organizational Performance: A Structural Equation Modelling (SEM)”, Pertanika Journal of Social Science & Humanities, in printing
19. Nurul Hidayah Mohd Nadhir & Fadilah Puteh (2016), “Impact Assessment of Job Characteristics Model on Employee Engagement”, Social and Management Research Journal, in printing
20. Fadilah Puteh (2016), “Measuring Tacit Knowledge: A Deliberate Construct Validation using Structural Equation Modelling”, xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, in printing
21. Hidayati Arshad & Fadilah Puteh (2016), “ Turnover Intention: Statistical Analysis of Determinants and Interaction Effect of Gender”, xxxxxxxxxxxx, in printing
22. Siti Nasuha Aripin & Fadilah Puteh (2016), “Financial Wellness and Quality of Life Among Young Employees in Majlis Perbandaran Klang”, Journal of Administrative Science, in printing
1. Fadilah Binti Puteh, Jeniwaty Binti Mohd Jody & Nor Azira Binti Ayob (2009), "Peranan Pendidikan Berterusan Dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Dikalangan Profesional Organisasi. Satu Kajian Di Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTEM)", Ministry of Education Malaysia, Institut Aminuddin Baki Northern Branch, Jitra Kedah, Malaysia. Paper Presented at: 1st Regional Conference on Educational Leadership and Management; Globalization: Current Trends in Educational Leadership and Management. (RCELAM). ISBN: 978-983-9479-70-6
2. Fadilah Binti Puteh & Nabilah Binti Abdullah @ Leong Kian Ha (2010), "Leadership Of Change - Is That What Is Missing Today'", FSPPP, UiTM Shah Alam, Intekma Resort and Convention Center, Shah Alam. Paper Presented at: International Seminar in Global Leadership (2010).
3. Fadilah Binti Puteh , Azzila Hasnur Binti Abu Hassan & Nor Hafiza Binti Zainon (2011), "Debts Among Public Sector Employees: How Serious Is This Scenario?", Research And Industry Linkages Centre of UiTM Perlis, Kedah, Perak And Penang, The Gurney Hotel Resort And Residences, Penang, Malaysia. Paper Presented at: ASEAN Conference on Scientific and Social Science Research (ACSSSR 2011). ISBN: 978-983-42570-3-36 (e-proceedings)
4. Fadilah Binti Puteh, Sharifah Syahirah Bt Syed Sheikh, Muhammad Nashroh Ishak & Muhammad Azim Anwar (2011), "Employers Dependency On Foreign Workers In Malaysian Food Service Industry: A Preliminary Study", IEEE, UiTM, Langkawi Malaysia. Paper Presented at: 2011 IEEE Symposium on Business, Engineering & Industrial Applications (ISBEIA 2011). ISBN: 978-1-4577-1549-5/11
5. Fadilah Binti Puteh, Nur Akmal Binti Khalid & Nurul Afizah Aini Binti Khalid (2011) "Employability Of Local Graduates From Employers' Perspectives: A Preliminary Study", FSPPP UITM SARAWAK, Sarawak Islamic Information Centre, Kuching Sarawak, Malaysia. Paper Presented at: The 2nd International Conference on Public Policy & Social Sciences (ICoPS) 2011, “Socio-Economic Transformation: Issues and Challenges in the 21st Century”
6. Farah Adilla Binti Ab Rahman, Marni Binti Ghazali & Fadilah Binti Puteh (2011), "Efforts Taken By Government In Changing Attitude of Civil Servants in Malaysia", FSPPP, UiTM Sarawak, Sarawak Islamic Information Center, Kuching Sarawak, Malaysia. Paper Presented at: The 2nd International Conference on Public Policy & Social Sciences (ICoPS) 2011, “Socio-Economic Transformation: Issues and Challenges in the 21st Century”
7. Fadilah Binti Puteh, Nor Intan Rafidah Binti Abd Radzuan & Noor Shahidah Shazlina Binti Abd Ghafar (2011), "New Retirement Policy and Impact towards Public Sector Employee Retirement Preparations: Malaysian Perspective", Conference Master Resources, Holiday Villa Beach Resort and Spa Langkawi Island, Kedah, Malaysia. Paper Presented at: 2nd International Conference on Business and Economic Research (ICBER 2011). ISBN: 967-5705-02-01
8. Fadilah Binti Puteh, Ross Ainura Ramli & Sharifah Mariam Syed Mahadzar (2012), "Gender Disparity in Teaching Profession: A View from Malaysian Perspectives", FSPPP, Hotel UiTM, Shah Alam, Selangor Malaysia
Paper Presented at: International Gender Conference 2012 (IGC 2012). ISBN: 978-967-363-3784.
9. Sharifah Syahirah Binti Syed Sheikh, Fadilah Binti Puteh, Farah Murni Merican & Syarifah Fathynah Syed Sheikh (2012), "Gangguan dan Penindasan Seksual Dalam Sukan di Malaysia: Pengalaman dan Persepsi Penggiat Sukan", FSPPP, Hotel UiTM, Shah Alam, Selangor Malaysia. Paper Presented at: International Gender Conference 2012 (IGC 2012). ISBN: 978-967-363-3784
10. Fadilah Binti Puteh, Jeniwaty Binti Mohd Jody, Aina Farhana Abd Hamid & Nur Izyan Shahirah Aazizul Rahman (2012), “Gender Comparison Between Financial Independence and Retirement Readiness Among Malaysian Public Employees", IEEE, UiTM, Bandung, Indonesia. Paper Presented at: 2012 IEEE Symposium on Business, Engineering & Industrial Applications (ISBEIA 2012). ISBN: 978-1-4577-1634-8/12
11. Fadilah Binti Puteh, Fatanah Md Nor & Siti Hajar Nadia Zulkifli (2012), "Determinants of Employment Mobility Trend Among Malaysian Young Talents", IEEE, UiTM, Bandung Indonesia. Paper Presented at: 2012 IEEE Symposium on Business, Engineering & Industrial Applications (ISBEIA 2012). ISBN: 978-1-4577-1634-8/12
12. Fadilah Puteh, Maniam Kaliannan & Nafis Alam (2014), “Informal Learning in Continued Professional Development (CPD) Context: A Missing Link”, UTHM, Johor, Malaysia. Paper Presented at: International Conference On Human Sustainability 2014. ISBN: 978-967-0468-70-9
13. Fadilah Puteh, Maniam Kaliannan & Nafis Alam (2014), “Tacit Knowledge and Employee Competency in Malaysian Service-Based Industries: A Preliminary Study”, Langkawi, Kedah; Malaysia. Paper Presented at: 6th Knowledge Management International Conference 2014. E-ISBN: 978-983-2078-93-7
14. Fadilah Binti Puteh, Maniam Kaliannan & Mageswary Dorasamy (2014), "Measuring Service Quality in Malaysian Local Government: the SERVQUAL Approach", Universiti Utara Malaysia, Langkawi Kedah. Paper Presented at: 6th Knowledge Management International Conference 2014. E-ISBN: 978-983-2078-93-7
15. Fadilah Puteh, Maniam Kaliannan & Nafis Alam (2014), “An Analysis of Continued Professional Development Practices in Malaysia”, UMT, Terengganu; Malaysia. Paper Presented at: 9th International Malaysian Studies Conference 2014.
16. Fadilah Puteh, Maniam Kaliannan & Nafis Alam (2014), “Learning for Professional Development via Peers: A Systems Theory Approach”, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Paper Presented at: 1st Global Conference on Business and Social Science 2014. ISBN: 978-967-13147-0-8
17. Fadilah Puteh, Maniam Kaliannan & Nafis Alam (2015), “Strategic Professional Development: Does It Conform to Adult Learning Perspective?”, Auckland, New Zealand. Paper Presented at: 3rd International Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance 2015. E-ISBN: 978-1-910309-86-5; ISBN: 978-1-910309-85-8; ISSN: 2049-6818; CD ISBN: 978-1-910309-87-2; CD ISSN: 2048-6826.
18. Fadilah Puteh, Maniam Kaliannan & Nafis Alam (2015), “Employee Core Competencies and Organisational Excellence: An Interpretative Analysis”, Sydney, Australia. Paper Presented at: Australasian Conference on Business and Social Sciences 2015 (in partnership with The Journal of Developing Areas). ISBN: 978-0-9925622-1-2
19. Fadilah Puteh, Maniam Kaliannan & Nafis Alam (2015), “What are Top Managers View on Gen Y Impact Towards Organisational Performance?”, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. Paper Presented at: 5th International Conference on Public Policy and Social Sciences & International Symposium of Gender Studies 2015. eISBN: 978-967-0171-463
20. Fadilah Puteh, Maniam Kaliannan & Nafis Alam (2015), “Does Informal Learning Promotes Professional Competency? Evidence from Malaysian Service-Based Industry”, Melaka, Malaysia. Paper Presented at: International Conference on Business, Management, Tourism and Hospitality 2015.
21. Fadilah Puteh (2016), “Tacit Knowledge: A Deliberate Construct Validation”, Sabah, Malaysia. Paper Presented at: 10th International Malaysian Studies Conference (MSC10), 2016.ISBN: 978-983-9731-04-0
22. Khalizani Khalid, Sam E. Eldakak & Fadilah Puteh (2016), “The Effect of Self-Efficacy, OJT and Classroom Training on Training Effectiveness in the Malaysian Construction Industry”, Penang, Malaysia. Paper Presented at: 2016 International Conference on Business, Economics, Management, Social Sciences, Art and Humanities (BEMSAHIC 2016)
23. Fadilah Puteh (2016), “Continued Professional Development and Organizational Performance: A Structural Equation Modelling (SEM)”, Putrajaya, Malaysia. Paper Presented at: 3rd International Conference on Science & Social Research, 2016.