Currently, the practice of knowledge sharing has become a key factor in gaining and producing better knowledge among most of the Malaysians including public servants. Knowledge sharing culture is believed to be a very important culture that needs to be developed and implemented in every organization in public sector in Malaysia in order to achieve better job performance. This research was based on data obtained from a survey questionnaire and several questions from interviews with randomly selected interviewees. The data was analyzed to evaluate and determine the relationships of the key-determinants of knowledge sharing culture and job performance in Majlis Bandaraya Shah Alam (MBSA). The Correlation Analysis method identified the relationships between every independent variable with job performance and it showed that trust, self-efficacy, rewards & incentives, technology and leadership with job performance was r =.760, r =.846, r =.820, r =.905, r =.851, r =.879 respectively with p =.000. Thus, all the key-determinants of knowledge sharing culture showed high correlation with job performance except trust which marked as the degree of correlation with job performance as the correlation coefficient was r = .760. For second research objective, the researcher used the Multiple Regression method as there were five independent variables with a moderator variable and a dependent variable in this study. Therefore, according to the results, technology was the most influencing determinant of knowledge sharing culture that increase the level of job performance with β=0.723). This research also analyzed whether job position does become the moderating role between the relationships of key-determinants of knowledge sharing culture and job performance. The results showed that only rewards & incentives, technology and leadership have significant relationship with job position as the moderator in increasing the level of job performance. Therefore, the purpose of the study was achieved when all the key-determinants were positively influencing the job performance of MBSA and job position also moderated the relationships of rewards & incentives, technology and leadership towards the job performance of MBSA.