Children are the asset for future development of the nation. Child abuse nowadays is a serious problem in Malaysia. Apart from it, this issue constantly
making a headline in a newspaper. Violence against children includes physical and mental abuse as well as injury, neglect, exploitation and sexual abuse.
Statistics shows by Department of Social welfare (2010) stated that the cases related to physical child abuse keep on increasing year by year. Selangor is one
among the state that recorded the highest number of cases of physical child abuse. Children that experience violence in all spaces such as in homes,
schools, park and the communities they live in. Like others country, only extreme cases related to child abuse reported in Malaysia. Physical abuse can affect
children’s mental health. This research was conducted to know the contributing factors of physical child abuse in Shah Alam Selangor. Many research being
conducted in Malaysia relating to physical child abuse, but there is no research conduct to study the extent of physical child abuse in Shah Alam, Selangor.
There are three (3) research objective constructed in this study, which are To identify the level of physical child abuse in Selangor, to examine the relationship
between factors and physical child abuse and to determine the most influential factor causing physical child abuse. A conceptual Framework had been constructed that show the link between independent variables and dependent variables. Questionnaires were distributed to 384 people that represent public in
Shah Alam, Selangor. With the findings and recommendation, the researcher hopes that it will contribute to the future research in the same area.