Motivation of employees becomes most important part for the success of organization. Since employees manage day to day management, their performance is significant to employers and organizations. Motivation is also one of the important aspects in the organization as it can bring the organization to a better level of performance. Thus, this study is examined the impact of skill variety, task identity and task significance towards employee’s motivation. The three factors have been chosen because it is believed that these factors can contribute towards employees’ motivation. This study has focused on employees working at secretarial firm. In order to collect the data, a questionnaire has distributed to over 109 respondents consisting of assistant company secretaries and company secretaries. The three factors under job characteristic were examined. The three factors are skill variety, task identity, and task significance. This study used standard SPSS statistical measures for the quantitative analyses. Factor analysis, reliability test, normality test, correlation analysis, multiple regression as well as independent t-test were used in this study. The results shows that skill variety, task identity and task significance have a significant relationship to employees’ motivation. However, this study found that task identity significantly influenced employees’ motivation. An organization that focuses on motivation as part of the business tactics can increase the productivity of employees. Employees who have high motivation can bring success to the company.